Thursday, April 11, 2013

The "Jane Smith" show @ a local pub !

My blog is going to bounce all over the earth's timeline.... 1970, 2013 and everywhere in between.... I'm am sure I am the first undiagnosed adult with A.D.D...... oh butterfly.... my father used to say...'if her head wasn't screwed on she wouldn't know where she left it'.... I'm pretty sure it was said out of love and respect :-/

             everything in my head is  bouncing around like a ping bong ball.... thoughts, phrases, stories, cliches, music lyrics, quotes, the inevitable work 'stuff'... and most often play stuff... I have such a hard time concentrating on work stuff.... that's probably why I have always been my own boss... no one else can rein me in.  I am a square twisty peg in a round hole.. if there is box... I jump over or around it, if there is still something to be seen or done with friends or family, I won't go to bed until I've seen it or done it.  I am generally the last one to close my eyes and the first one to open them in the morning.... I don't get out of bed of course, I luxuriate horizontally until my body and mind are one and say 'get up and get some shit done!' hence again... why I work for myself.  I am a great boss btw.  I give out bonus's on a regular basis. I take myself out to lunch often.  I take myself to the salon for pedicures, I pay people to do things for me that I don't like to do.  People say I'm lucky... and I say 'yes... the harder I work the luckier I am'.   I sat down to write today about a night out last night and my mind has already explained to the hands that I can't keep a straight thought for longer than a minute or two before..... oh butterfly..... and my mind veers off in a completely different direction... I will get to the real story as soon as I finish writing why I've not gotten to it yet :)

I have two companies... one I work at daily.. with my real name and my real job.  The other was one was started because I'm single at this glorious age and needed to just have some plain ole fun. My real day job offices are in a century home, tons and tons of space for work and entertaining. And entertain we do.... often.   I couldn't get up this morning without counting the number of overnight guests.  The beds were filled to capacity and all 4 couches were full.  AND that's just a Wednesday night... again can't work for anyone else.. how would I explain to 'the boss' that I have to see my overnight guests get coffee and breakfast before they leave.. 'the boss' wouldn't understand, people are so judgmental.

Last evening was spent at a local club, showing my wares.  My 'wares' consist of things that heat up, cool down, speed up, speed down, vibrate, entice, make things slippery, make things hard, make things tasty and generally with any luck things that go bump all nite long. 

Did I forget to mention in my quest for 'sexploration' that started early in my life I opened an Adult Novelty Business just for fun?   If I didn't  I'm sorry, it's been pretty hectic around here. Show and tell has  a new meaning for me :) Hence the blog, I tell all.   If you don't want to be talked about don't come near me.  I can't keep a secret, I am not discreet in any way shape or form.  If I can be the centre of attention with a microphone, I will keep you occupied for hours... and all the stories I have heard or experienced will be told... I have no filter.  Again self employed.  I will, if I'm talking or writing slowly enough try to change the names.  My rule is... If your name is "Scott" ( Scott lol) you will become a name with the next letter in the alphabet... hence Scott became Tim.  "Tim" was  little confused in the middle of passionate sex I yelled out "Tim" instead of Scott.  He totally understood, he went into my book as Tim and he was quite happy about it...although I have just told you all he is Scott. AND Tim/Scott is serving me drinks tomorrow nite as I deliver some Adult toys to his place for his new gal pal.  :) I am a Renaissance woman after all.  

So..back to the reason for this blog today/tonight... it's been in draft stage all day, I had to run out and show and sell some real estate,  it's 10:20pm here in my part of Canada and I'm back at the computer finally. 

We had booked this show about a month ago so we had alot of time to advertise and we did a stunning job.  We were a full house. We arrived 2 hrs before the alloted time.  We set up our tables filled with toys all over the bar.  People were filing in.  My friends from the city were here, it was time to get started.   I had had a few glasses of wine to get started.  Walked up the stage...

"Hello everyone and welcome to our Sex Show... Is anyone else and wet as me?"

People in this town are pretty vanilla and were shocked with my opening made perfect sense to me... I had been unloading my vehicle in the rain for an hour... I was soaked.  Everyone loosened up, after that, nothing like shock therapy to get everyone in the right mood to talk about sex. They felt pretty safe that that was the worst it was going to get... they were so wrong.   My friends knew what to expect from me, the poor bastards.... I mean the poor people there for the show were shocked over and over again... really they were, literally... one of our newest and biggest sellers is an electric play!  A relatively safe static wand......lololololol         They were all virgins in this circus tonight , and I was the ringmaster, I had whips and everything.  :)

 I was so in charge, I was working that room, everyone was in the palm of my hand,  everyone was responding to my obvious charms, they were laughing, they were warming up to me... I was their new best friend.... then suddenly someone I knew from a few years ago walked into the bar and sat with my friends.   It wasn't just someone, it was someone I had had a passionate and interesting fling with a year before.  If you've read my blog "A Fun Nite", you will now who this person is.  The completely startling thing was when I was seeing him he would never come east of Toronto into the 'burbs'... He was too snobby to drive in that I had bugged him about for over a year.....and of all the gin joints in all the world he showed up at my gin joint when I was on stage with a dildo in one hand and microphone in the other extolling the virtues of said soft large dildo for the less than shy users........ this was the 'oh my god' dildo/vibrator ....REALLY? what events transpired today in the universe to conspire to put this event together tonight?  Really? I still had 1/2 left of my show to do and he was sitting back in his chair smiling the whole time.  I missed a step, but then I was back on track, I got a standing ovation for my troubles... then it was off to socialize with my  I never bought another drink, in my small world I was  Queen tonight...always fun.  Now that I was off the stage everyone wanted to talk, it was great fun, no sex question was off limits, I had invited a lot of knowledgeable people who could answer the plethora of questions coming our way.  There were so many interesting people there with great questions.  It was great to be in a room with people who felt really comfortable to ask questions about their own sexuality.  There were mostly couples which was great, they were so curious and that is always so healthy. 

The night at the pub ended on a great note, packing up saying good night to everyone and realizing the party was coming home with me..... OK :-/        My ex lover came back as well... again stunned because he would never come before, now that I'm not seeing him he's there.  We all had drinks and someone had brought food.. even better.. I'd not had time for dinner so the feast began... we ate and drank until the wee hours of the morning, everyone made their way to my beds, my couches.  My friend and I stayed up and chatted after everyone went to sleep it was lovely to catch up.  When we were seeing each other it was so much fun.  We saw each other often and had great fun all over the city.   He's very Dominant at a time when I was looking to sexplore that.   He was beautifully dominant always in charge but at the basis of it all looking after my best sexual interest... It was always about me first.  The rest is fodder for another blog when I do a 'flashback'... it's all good fun.

meanwhile, while I am writing this tonight I got a call from a California number.. I didn't answer it, the only person I know in California is working tonight and wouldn't be calling me.  Then a random text "yes"  I texted back 'no'... the respondent was confused... hehe.. he/she didn't realize he/she had texted and called the wrong number.. I could play with this person all night, really mess with them.   Would that be mean? yes! would that be wrong? yes! would it be fun? yes!  hey they started it.   We texted back and forth for a bit.  It was evident it was a man on the other side of the country.  I told you I'm the MAN WHISPERER.  I can tell.  My sappy nature kicked in.. I had to tell him I wasn't the person his missives were meant for.... he thought it was funny.  He wanted to know everything about me.. too long for texts.  I'm obviously a very complex woman, I text random people after my household has gone to sleep..ya, really complex, maybe slightly lightheaded, I'm exhausted and drinking scotch... NEVER TEXT/ WRITE/ CALL WHEN DRINKING !!!! the new "Golden Rule" in my book.  He told me he was 33, I didn't divulge my age. :)  He asked me for a pic, I asked him for one, knowing full well it could be a full nude... why is it so many men are so willing to send full nude shots of themselves over the internet... you know it's out there forever right?   He responded with 'I asked you first'... I texted 'really? you're gonna play that game.. I'm the woman I always get what I want!!'... ding, ding, ding... his  non-nude pic arrived on my phone from 3000 miles away, that in and of itself is so incredible to me still (that will give you some indication of my age) I am still and always will be amazed with all things techy.  Anyway a promise is a promise and I fired one off to him for thanks in trusting me and sending his first after I demanded it.  We are both very good looking people... good it could have been really awkward if he wasn't  lol.   Again the universe? What is the point of a random mistaking  wrong number phone call and text messaging.  I don't know, maybe someday I'll find out.

Have a wonderful nite,

FB page w/pics getting sexy w/Jane catalog :)