Wednesday, April 03, 2013

ah summer time romance... always the hottest!

Summer of my 16th year,  cut off jeans, tube tops, flip flops oh my.  My father has learned he can't keep me out of his site, so he decides to drop off his family for a summer of camping.  He leaves all of our us including our aunts and uncles and cousins near the woods, by a lake with a beach and planned parties every weekend... REALLY?  One of the best summers of my life. Let me start out by saying I don't like camping, never have, never will.  Nature is beautiful of course, but the whole being cold and damp when I'm sleeping is not my thing. But in this particular summer my dad had bought a huge airforce bus that had been converted into a mobile home..alright! that's better! (plus it had an emergency door that I could leave open a crack and no one knew whether I was in or out. Perfect!
 My dad and 3 brothers always had a way with anything with 2 or 4 wheels so I never stopped A tall blonde girl driving around all day/night on dirt bike = Fun! Why would my father place me in a camp owned by a couple with 4 boys, aged 12-20... thanks Dad.

I spent everyday sunning and swimming, playing baseball and dirt biking and every night partying with the boys.  It didn't take long before one of them became my boyfriend and what a boyfriend he was.. He was actually a little 'vanilla' for me and I didn't know what vanilla was at the time but my spirits were somewhat dampened. I had so much freedom, I could have been having sex all day all night and no one would have known... except my boyfriend was so straight. He was studying for school, he was in university and had a 'hard year' coming up....'whatever!' and needed to keep his nose in his books half the time.  If it wasn't for his great body, his beautifully experienced penis and hands and lips, and a great head of brown floppy curly hair I would have dumped him :) Were my priorities mixed up...I think not.  He was also a huge romantic, he would make a picnic for dinner, get his horse saddled up, come and pick me up and we would slowly ride over to the top of this huge hill/mountain, set out our picnic and watch the sun go down.  Then make love/ have sex under the stars. It was pretty awesome when I think back on it. The only evidence that gave me away was poison oak on my ass and back....dammit! The doctor knew how I would have gotten it but he said nothing to my mom. :)

The summer was coming to an sad end, the last weekend at the camp was a huge party, everyone attended. Food, drink, dance, games, swimming, music, it had all of the components for a great evening, cute boy with curly hair and stealthily  took off...not so quietly as I had hoped someone told someone who told my dad I was gone.   We wanted to say good bye, we were going to continue to see each other in the fall, I was in high school he was in his second yr of university.  We went to an abandoned house with a group of people our age.  This is when I discovered I didn't want to have much to do with drugs.. my grown up brain said "You don't know these people & right now they don't know themselves".... I watched the party as it happened around me, I found my curly haired boyfriend 'letting down his hair' like I had not seen him do yet.  He was cute, he was sexy, he was funny.  This was going to be his lucky night for sure. :)  When it was time to leave we took his horse back to the stable, we started making out in the barn, lots of long wet kisses, lots of foreplay, I could not wait for him to pull my shirt up over my head, so I stripped for him, shirt came off, I slowly unfastened my jeans and slid them down over my tanned legs, kicked off my flip flops, bra and panties were the last to go, bra first, you know those scenes in the movies where the sexy woman reaches behind her and undoes the bra and her heavy breasts fall out.... that was me, except my breasts were that heavy, they were very full and perky however, apparently a trait he found terribly erotic.  I felt like a million bucks, I was in my element, I had him in the palm of my hand...literally, he was throbbing and his eyes were half closed.... when I was pulled away and he was punched in the face by my dad.  God dammit Dad! My dad threw my clothes at me, I was a little more grown up this time and told my Dad to leave.  He did, he actually did.  Curly haired boy was mortified. "Don't worry" I said, he won't tell anyone this time.  We spent our time getting dressed, the mood was gone of course but it was time to get back.  I knew the silent treatment would work on my dad, and I didn't talk to him that night or the whole next day.  My dad was apologizing by the 2nd day.  We sat and had a long talk about how he had to stop following me around now at 16 almost 17, he was almost always going to see me in a position he didn't want to picture his little girl. I promised him I was safe, I was not going to get pregnant, he looked relieved.  It was a great talk.

I saw curly haired boy until Christmas of that year, the first time he came to pick me up, he was terrified my father was going to be there, I said "Cut your hair" he will never recognize you.  He did and he didn't.  It was a 'nice' relationship but I was already looking for something a little less vanilla and a little more 'rocky road'.

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